Volunteer Deposit
Millwoods Hockey Volunteer Deposit Program
Millwoods Hockey is a volunteer-based organization and volunteers are the heart and soul of our organization. The organization and every individual team cannot run without the volunteer support of the parents and families. While many people commit many hours to their teams and the organization, there are times where finding enough volunteers is challenging. As such, a volunteer deposit program is implemented to encourage more people to volunteer their time.
2025 - 2026 Volunteer Deposit Program: Mandatory Requirement
- All families will be required to complete volunteer commitments for the 2025-2026 season, unless they have chosen to pay the volunteer opt-out fee with their registration fees. Volunteer commitments are tracked in the form of volunteer credits. Each volunteer credit is equivalent to a minimum of 4 hours of volunteering time. The number of volunteer credits required per family will depend on the number of players in the family.
- U7-U13 player families are required to complete two (2) volunteer credits per player in the family.
- Volunteer deposits are collected as part of registration. When registering online, you will be presented with instructions on how and where to mail your volunteer cheque.
- When registering, you will also be given the option of opting out of volunteering and paying the required volunteer opt-out fee as follows:
- $300 per player for U7
- $400.00 per player for U9-U13
- If your volunteer commitment has not been documented as the season starts (e.g. a Coach or Manager), you will receive email notifications to sign up for activities/events requiring volunteers throughout the season as needed. To allow for conflicts, people will be given two opportunities to sign up and meet their commitment. If you decline both opportunities, your deposit cheque will be cashed.
- Rather than shred volunteer deposit cheques and require new cheques next season, the volunteer deposit cheques will be held by the Registrar and carried over to the next season for the duration your player is with Millwoods Hockey.
- Please contact seeraadmin@shaw.ca for the mailing address if required.
- Please include your player(s) first and last name on the memo of the cheque.
- Volunteer credits do not carry over to the next season.
We ask that parents indicate how they can help support the organization and their child’s team for the upcoming year. Please note: to receive 1 FULL credit, a volunteer must work a minimum of four (4) hours in a shift.
Below is a sample of the ways you can volunteer in the coming season:
- Head Coach - full season commitment to run a team, organize and manage practices and games.
- Assistant Coach - full season commitment to support the head coach.
- Team Manager - full season commitment to work with the head coach and perform administrative task to support the team such as requesting permits, organizing social events.
- Parent Liaison - full season commitment to work with any team concerns.
- Team Treasurer - full season commitment to manage the finances of the team and prepare monthly statements of the state of the finances.
- Score/Time Keepers - full season commitment to work with others on your team during games.
- Evaluators - August to October commitment to watch groups of skaters and evaluate their skills. You do not need to be a coach to volunteer.
- Timbits Jamboree - December / March commitment - more details to follow on dates and position opportunities.
- Minor Hockey Week - Checker, button seller, time/scorekeeper. Please note: filling Minor Hockey Week positions is a team requirement and does not qualify for personal volunteer credits.
- Millwoods Hockey Tournament - One weekend in March - sample positions include:
- Working in the box as a Score/Time keeper
- Selling raffle or 50/50 tickets
- Helping with set up/tear down
- Rink manager (in four hour shifts)
- Oil Kings - 50/50 - Chuck-a-puck event - These take place at a designated Oil Kings game attended by Millwoods Hockey teams.
Once again, the approved Millwoods Hockey mandatory volunteer deposit amounts are:
- $300.00 per player for U7
- $400.00 per player for U9-U13
Volunteer Commitment Credit Equivalencies
4 Volunteer Credits
- Executive board members
- Head coach (one per team, for entire season)
3 Volunteer Credits (12+ hours)
- Assistant coach - must be present for a minimum of 8 games and on-ice for a minimum of 8 practices.
- Team manager - (if only one manager on the team) for the entire season.
- Evaluations volunteer - minimum of 6 hours over the duration of evals.
- Parent liaison - one per team, for the entire season.
2 Volunteer commitment (8+ hours)
- Year End Tournament Rink Manager
- Team manager - (if two managers on team) for the entire season.
- Jersey parent - 2 per team for home and away sets, for the entire season. Involves bringing jerseys to games and laundering as required.
- Time keeping / Score keeping - rotation with others on your team for the entire season.
- Evaluation Volunteer - position opportunities include:
- Check-in table, timekeeper, bench help – all on a shift basis
- Oil Kings - 50/50 and chuck-a-puck seller - at a designated Oil Kings game.
- Millwoods Year End Tournament volunteer
- Office support - preparing swag boxes, game sheets, etc.
- Time/scorekeeper
- 50/50 seller
- Raffle table
- Equipment returns
- Assist with team gear (jerseys/puck bags/first aid kits) and goalie gear distribution and returns on designated days at the beginning and end of season.
1 Volunteer Commitment ( 4 hours or less )
- Timbit Jamboree
Team Requirement (No Volunteer Commitment Credits)
- Minor Hockey Week (Checker, Button Seller, Time/Scorekeeper)
- This is not considered to be a personal volunteer credit activity as it is a mandatory team event. Teams are expected to provide volunteers for Minor Hockey Week and will work with the Minor Hockey Week Director to coordinate volunteers.
Volunteer Deposit FAQs
How do I get notified of volunteer opportunities?
Upon completing the player registration online - you will be asked to check jobs you would be interested in for the year. Collecting information on who is interested in various positions helps with coordinating as the season gets underway. This does not guarantee that you will get the position you have selected and you will still be required to sign up when opportunities are presented.
Any indication of team participation will be noted at the team parent meeting. The team manager will provide the information to the registrar at seeraadmin@shaw.ca to ensure volunteer activity is accurately tracked. Millwoods Hockey event sign-up opportunities will be emailed out and will provide details of required positions and sign-up process. There are more than enough volunteer tasks for all families to participate in some way.
If I complete all my volunteer commitments, when will I receive my cheque/deposit back?
Cheques will no longer be returned or shredded. They will remain on the players file for the duration the player is with Millwoods Hockey.
How are these volunteer jobs tracked?
Volunteer positions will be recorded by the Millwoods Hockey Registrar. The team manager will track and submit a list of completed team commitments completed to the Registrar on Dec. 1 and March 15.
What if I have more than one child in Millwoods Hockey?
If you have more than one player in Millwoods Hockey the deposit is one cheque per player. For U7 - $300.00 per player and U9-U11 - $400.00 per player.
Please contact the Registrar with any questions regarding the volunteer commitment.
Registrar: Kerri Bishop
Email: seeraadmin@shaw.ca
Phone: (780) 461-6673